
The Belamere Suites And Its Associates Are Proud Supporters Of The Following Organizations:

Thank you to our guests who participate in our make a wish tree that is located outside of our office.

By participating in this long standing tradition, we’ve made donations to these organizations.

St. Jude Children’s Hospital

The Belamere Suites donates to St. Jude in advancing the treatment and prevention of catastrophic diseases in children. No child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay. We at the hotel are also committed to an explicit set of values and behaviors that we use to guide our daily actions and decisions such as the ones used by St. Jude. Our values of ethical behavior are an important part of who we are, and their incorporation into the fabric of the institution directly impacts our ability to make progress toward achieving our mission, while simultaneously strengthening our reputation. For more information or to contribute go to

Make-A-Wish® Foundation

Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the United States and its territories, on average, a wish is granted every 34 minutes. We believe a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us and inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve. For more information go to

The Angel Foundation

The Angel Foundation was established in 1995 as a nonprofit, 501c3. The mission of the Angel Foundation is to facilitate wishes for adults in Ohio with terminal illness. An Angel Foundation wish is a realistic request that will make a significant difference in the physical, emotional or spiritual well-being of the wish recipient. The commitment of the Angel Foundation is to empower communities and recipients to share in the joy of bestowing a gift of love. Belamere Suites stands behind and supports the efforts of the Angel Foundation to help citizens of our community in their time of need. For more information or for donations go to

The Cocoon Shelter

Giving back to our community to help even out the playing field for those of us who are in need of care or shelter. The Cocoon Shelter provides safety, healing and justice for battered women and their children. No one deserves to be abused, if you are scared and confused, you are not alone, help is available to you. The Cocoon Shelter will be a trusted partner, community leader and transforming voice in Wood County and surrounding areas, committed to ending domestic violence and empowering those affected by it. For more information or contributions go to

Relay For Life

In more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries, Relay For Life events comprise the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Each Relay For Life event is special to its community, but the movement’s true power lies in the combined commitment of thousands of participants, volunteers, and supporters to help the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer. For more information go to

Bittersweet Farms

Proceeds benefit Autism Society. Improving lives of all affected by Autism through support, education, advocacy, and services. Serving autistic adults on eighty acres of fields, gardens and woods in a rural area of northwest Ohio. The farm setting offers rich, varied and abundant opportunities for self-paced, distraction free activities that are perceived as immediately meaningful by the participants. All of their activities are designed to meet the wide range and abilities of persons from the entire spectrum of Autism Disorders. For more info or to make a contribution go to